A Broken Time - Dare To Be Digital entry (2014)
Skills -
Team Leadership
Project planning
Pitch Presenting
Game Design
Mechanic Design
Level Design
While doing my masters degree, I entered a competition with a team of 4 other members to participate in a 9 week 'Game jam' with the chance to win a BAFTA; of which I was team leader.
Our entry for this was 'A Broken Time'. A game about shifting perspectives using photos. As shown with the mechanics & explained in the pitch video - the player would be able to place a door where there wasn't one to begin with, so long as they had a photo of one in their inventory.
This was set to be a narrative puzzle game, based around the WW1 era. Playing as a German spy who had regretted his decisions, to rebuilding his victims memories allowing him pass on to the afterlife.