Game, Tech & Narrative Design
Exemplar is a Narrative Driven, Choose Your Own adventure game. Inspired by "The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante". This Science Fiction Journey sees you start as a Student, slowly becoming the hero of a distant Planet. Defeating a Demonic Machine virus, Making friends with your companions and finding secrets along the way.
Game, Tech & Narrative Design
A Ubisoft Summer Jam
Locked in an underground lab used for creating robotic Birds for world surveillance, the Filing Cabinet is part of a new experiment to create Sentient cabinets. A way to gain information from the outside world through seemingly inanimate objects. The player must find the correct items around the lab and use them to unlock a main Vault door.
3Cs & Multiplayer Design
Final Punch is a Local Multiplayer, heavy hitting brawler. Inspired by the likes of Nidhogg, with its fast paced & One shot combat. Final Punch sees players fight throughout multiple stages, stealing each others headbands; until one is crowned the Final Puncher.
Level & Puzzle Design
N.O.V.A 2 is a Puzzle game, where players have to navigate a confusing underground facility. Lights will power down and alarms will sound every 180 seconds. The player then needs head back to the main HUB to enter a pass code resetting the lights to safely traverse the facility once again.
Other Designs